Thursday, October 1, 2015

Books Vs. Movies: My Stance

There seems to be a large debate consisting of two sides: Books vs. Movies. In this post, I will tell my side and my reasons why. In my opinion, this topic becomes too heated.

Personally, I prefer movies over books. This doesn’t mean that I will go see a movie based on a book without reading the book first. Middle School taught me the importance of reading the book before you see the movie. In 7th grade, my class read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. This was around the time that the movie adaption was about to be released. The movie came out during the school year, so a lot of us went to the movie after we had finished the book. I loved both versions. Although, this is when I realized how much is removed from movie plots due to time. Before 7th grade, I had never been one to pick up a book and read it on my own time. Naturally, I would’ve never read The Hunger Games and probably would not have seen the movie based on the material. After Catching Fire came out, I fully understood the importance of reading books first. At the time, I thought the first installment of the trilogy brought to the big screen was a good adaptation. Catching Fire changed this opinion I once had. I thought the second movie mirrored the book much better than the first. I find it is very crucial for the movie adaptation to be as book-accurate as possible.

In 8th grade, I went to see The Perks of Being a Wallflower with my friend. This time, neither of us had read the book. At the time of seeing the movie, we didn’t even know that it was first a book. Going to see it without reading the book prior was dumb. I loved the movie, even though I was lacking a lot of context. I then proceeded to read the book. I loved the book as well but was a bit disappointed with how some scenes were left out. My biggest book-to-movie peeve was the lack of scenes about Charlie and his friends at Rocky Horror. I felt this was an important component in the book that they only briefly glossed over in the movie. Considering the book is a series of diary entries, I thought that the movie was very well done.

In a general sense, movies are my preference. If given the choice of snuggling up in bed with a book or watching a movie, I’ll almost always want to watch a movie. Movies just make me happy. 


  1. I agree that movies are generally more fun to watch than book are to read, i feel that books that are adapted into movies are usually much worse than the book.

  2. I agree that movies are generally more fun to watch than book are to read, i feel that books that are adapted into movies are usually much worse than the book.

  3. I love movies and books, but sometimes I just cant bring myself to actually pick one up! Props to you!

  4. I like how you provided ample personal examples in your response to prove your reasoning behind how you feel and to bring context to the argument. I find that reading books often makes movies seem slightly more annoying if they don't follow the book closely, but I am also one who would prefer to watch a good movie and get the whole plot in a few hours sometimes rather than reading a book that would take me a few weeks to finish with my busy schedule!

  5. I like how you provided ample personal examples in your response to prove your reasoning behind how you feel and to bring context to the argument. I find that reading books often makes movies seem slightly more annoying if they don't follow the book closely, but I am also one who would prefer to watch a good movie and get the whole plot in a few hours sometimes rather than reading a book that would take me a few weeks to finish with my busy schedule!

  6. Watching a movie and reading a book is not the same. What's the most nail-biting? It's up to you! If you are lazy, you can simply watch a movie... If you are
    an annoying tireless reader, you can read this article available at!
