Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Good Wife 7x16 "Hearing" Review


It’s amazing how your opinion on something can change so rapidly. I went into this episode with dread considering that all the promos showed was Jason and Alicia. I was also upset with the advertising for this episode. Since it was the 150th episode of the series, special ads were made. Thing is, all the wrong characters were being displayed. Of course there was Alicia, but also Jason, Eli, and Ruth. No sign of Diane or Cary. I’m still pretty disappointed with the way they’ve treated Diane and Cary, two characters that have been at the core of the show since the very beginning.

After the beginning sequence, I felt very conflicted. For the first time, I thought Alicia and Jason were cute. This was shocking to me that I was thinking this. I’ve gone this whole season not liking Jason and suddenly he’s really growing on me. I thought it was adorable to see them kissing in the shower, sharing junk food, and to see Alicia cuddling up next to Jason and laying on his chest. I never did like when Alicia was with Will, or the many other guys for that matter, so I’m not really bothered by the fact that she’s seeing Jason now. I’ve don’t think I’ve ever seen Alicia as happy with as she is with Jason.

I loved the return of Veronica and Owen. I’ve always enjoyed these two. “Come in, we have bagels!” had me laughing even after the episode ended. I also laughed a lot at the almost instant liking Veronica took to Jason. It was a lot of fun to see. I was quite surprised at the amount of times I laughed during this episode. Several instances included; Eli’s crusade to listen to the court through the vent in the handicapped bathroom, Mike Tascioni and his beloved service animal (emotional support Chihuahua) Tom, and just Alicia and Jason’s overall antics trying to keep their relationship under the radar.

My favorite part of the episode, and my favorite episode of the season, was the sudden luncheon between Diane and Alicia. I have so desperately wished, wanted, and hoped that Diane and Alicia would team up and start their own firm. So, seeing Diane praise Alicia’s growth and offer her the opportunity to partner really got to me. I actually teared up because of how sincere Diane was being with her. This is of course not the first time that these two have been in negotiations, the other time being talks of merging firms after Will’s death, but this was the first time Diane has offered to partner and start a female run firm. I’m sincerely hoping that Alicia takes Diane up on her offer so they can rule Chicago together with their trusty ballistics expert and investigator. 

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