Thursday, March 24, 2016

Have We Seen the Last of Katniss Everdeen?

If companies get ahold of a successful product, they’re not going to want to let go of it any time soon. For Lionsgate, they have done pretty well for themselves by taking on The Hunger Games franchise. Whether you believe they split the last book into two movies for the sake of getting as much content in as possible or not, you can’t deny that they did it to cash in. This franchise is huge and has become a household name. Just because all of the movies have been made and there’s really no reason for expansion, I have a sneaking suspicion that Lionsgate will be releasing more films into the franchise.

These could be a multitude of things. Prequels, sequels, fleshing out other characters, you name it. I personally would love to see the 50th Quarter Quell, or Haymitch’s Hunger Games, on the big screen. I was disappointed that this was left out of Catching Fire because it would’ve let those who haven’t read the books get to know why Haymitch is the way he is. I don’t think they’ll dedicate a whole movie to one character’s backstory, but it is an interesting idea.

If I could have my choice to another film in the franchise, I would want a sequel. A true sequel, picking right back up where we left off in Mockingjay Part 2. I would love it to backtrack a bit to delve in more to the events before the epilogue and then tie the epilogue in later on. A couple things that bothered me about Mockingjay Part 1 were that we weren’t told what Katniss and Peeta named their children or why Effie was not in the Victors Village with the rest of them in District 12. That kiss between Haymitch and Effie wasn’t just some kiss, it was love. I get that Effie still has ties to the Capitol, but she loves her team. Effie has cried multiple times about having to say goodbye to the kids, so I would think she would want to be with them. My ideal sequel would be the life of Katniss, Peeta, Effie, and Haymitch after they’ve settled down after the rebellion. I’m curious to know if Effie would ever give up her Capitol style or if Haymitch will stay sober for good. I want to know what kind of parents Katniss and Peeta are and how life is for them after they know they don’t have to worry about President Snow anymore. To an audience who prefers action, the sequel I want would probably come off as boring to them, but that’s okay with me. I just want to see these characters that I love so dearly finally get a life of peace, the life that they all deserve. 

1 comment:

  1. I like these ideas... Do you think people are already writing fan fiction that delves into some of these past or future perspectives? (I haven't ever read fan fiction online, but I know it exists!)
