Monday, March 21, 2016

The Good Wife 7x17 "Shoot" Review


The beginning of this episode caught me completely off-guard. If you hadn’t been aware that you were watching The Good Wife, you wouldn’t have known. It looked like a completely different show. I thought it was cute, super loving and protective dad loves his daughter unconditionally –cute. It was adorable to see the daughter going to her first prom with a guy that she clearly really liked. I thought, wow, what a cute opening. That was until a bullet came flying through the front window of the house straight through the daughter’s throat. Oh, I was horribly wrong. I had no idea who these characters were, but this opening scene still brought tears to my eyes.

I was hyped for this episode, so hyped. I got myself all hyped up for nothing. I thought this was going to be the episode where Alicia finally agrees to partner with Diane and they being their wonderful reign of the legal empire in Chicago together. That didn’t happen, but we got to see Diane with a martini in her hand once again! That's always a wonderful sight on the eyes. I also thought this episode was going to bring the long awaited return of Kurt McVeigh, Diane’s husband. Mini rant time, sorry. This episode was about a gun store, gun control, and was called ”Shoot”, so how could it not be the Kurt episode? He’s a ballistics expert! This made me so mad. He’s been in two episodes with gun-related titles, “Bang” and “Silver Bullet” and I thought they would return to that with this episode. Since he is a ballistics expert, every episode that he’s been in has mentioned guns. I repeat, how could this not have been the Kurt episode? All of my predictions for this episode were wrong, it’s such a disappointing feeling.

Over the last few episodes, I’ve taken a liking to Jason. I got so worried when Alicia saw him kissing that other girl, which we later learned was his old friend and not another lover. I was relieved to hear this because I really didn’t want to hate Jason again right after accepting him. Alicia just looks so genuinely happy with him. Instead of Johnny and Finn in the past season, I wish Jason would’ve been there. I would’ve liked to get to know him more and to see if his relationship with Alicia would last this long. I just hate when good storylines are rushed (or completely washed over *cough* Kurt and Diane *cough*) All I want is for Alicia to finally divorce Peter. It’s long overdue and needs to happen as soon as possible. There’s no spark there anymore, at all. 

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