Friday, December 18, 2015

Various Grinch Theories

While watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas, several theories started to develop in my mind. I’ll start by talking about Grinch, then about Martha May.

Early on in the movie, we learn that Grinch ended up outside the house of 2 Who women as a baby and was adopted and raised by them. It is never said whether these women are a couple, sisters, or just friends, but nonetheless, they become his mothers. Later, we learn that Martha cares for him and even has a crush on him. Finally, we are introduced to Cindy Lou and learn that she too cares for him even with very little knowledge about him. Though Grinch is extremely masculine, I feel that he also has a lot of femininity. Such as, when he has a somewhat girly hissy fit when he catches himself rhyming, or when he struggles to find something to wear, stating that “If I can’t find something nice to wear, I’m not going!” I feel that these are 2 behaviors that are typically pinpointed to girls. I believe that his history with women and the fact that his only positive interactions, save for Max, were with women, caused some of that femininity to rub off on him. I always found it a bit strange but very interesting that the only ones who really care about him are women. I guess you could call him a ladies man.

The next observation I had was his frequent use of fire. This led me to think, is he a pyromaniac? There are at least 3 instances throughout the movie where he directly initiates the use of fire. The first instance occurs during the flashback to his childhood. Little 8-year-old Grinch, fresh out of knowing that Martha May Whovier likes him, decides to make her a present for the gift exchange the following day. When he starts up the flame, he addresses it as “The fires of love.” I think his frequent use of fire does stem from his feelings for Martha. After being humiliated at the Whobilation, he throws a tantrum and ends up burning the town Christmas tree to the ground. I know this was out of anger and retaliation, but I also feel that this was out of jealously after Augustus’ horribly cruel proposal to Martha right in front of him. Towards the end of the movie, he starts to assemble his sleigh to execute his plan to steal Christmas. He uses a flamethrower, among other tools, to weld the pieces together. Though this whole plan is out of revenge, I think he is also upset that Martha didn’t come after him. During the flashback, he is delivered during his mothers’ “annual holiday get-together.” I think maybe his hatred for Christmas is also because his birthday might have been somewhat ignored, being that it falls close to Christmas and Christmas is far more important to the whole of Whoville.

Now, I want to talk about Martha. Martha May Whovier is far more complex of a character than people give her credit for. She has been called some awful names by viewers of the movie. The way I see it, the Martha we see in the movie is a complete façade. She’s just a woman who is desperate to love and to be loved by her childhood crush. Her years of separation from Grinch and her years of living alone caused her to be just as reclusive as Grinch. There are several indications throughout the movie that social pressures have caused her to hide her feelings for Grinch from the rest of society, causing her to appear emotionless and empty. When Grinch wins the sack race, she cheers and claps excitedly, but quickly stops and looks around to see if anyone saw her outburst. This need to hide is discarded by the end of the movie. When he’s barreling towards town, the look on her face and tone of her voice shows that she’s overwhelmingly excited to see him and will do anything she can to help him. Telling everyone that her heart belongs to him lifts a huge weight off her shoulders. It’s apparent how happy she is by how she smiles at him during the last scene.

Their relationship was hinted at early on. When Cindy first learns about Grinch, she is in the post office next to the wall of mailboxes. Grinch and Martha’s are directly next to each other. It’s a very quick shot, but wonderful foreshadowing for the audience. During Cindy’s quest for information, she visits Martha. She is seen with her first outrageous up-do, containing a slew of jewels. Call me crazy, but those jewels look identical to the ones from her broken angel’s wings. This, accompanied with her green eyeshadow, makes me think that Martha wanted to show her loyalty to Grinch in a way that only she would understand. 

The final theory I have, for now, might be a bit of a stretch. When Grinch is on his holiday heist, he waltzes up to Martha’s door, meaning not her roof and not her chimney. It is clearly shown earlier in the movie that she indeed has a chimney and a fireplace. He went down the Lou Who’s chimney, so why not hers? My theory is that Martha tends to leave her door unlocked just in case Grinch was to drop by. He must know of this if he goes straight for the door. Grinch only enters the bedrooms of his mortal enemy and his true love, her. Though watching someone sleep can be considered creepy, I find the fact that he took the time to go to the second floor of her house to her bedroom to be endearing. He still loves her. I also believe that he saved her house for last. I mean, how else could she have retrieved the ring from the bag so fast? 


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