Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Good Wife 7x10 "KSR" Review


We’ve reached the winter finale of The Good Wife. It seems like the season started yesterday, yet here we are. It’s amazing how compelling shows feel like they over so quickly, even when you aren’t binge watching. All I can say is, the promos were right when they said this was going to be an intense episode.

It seems like the last few seasons of the show have been a big game of going back and forth. Now, it’s not the name partners who are deciding to leave from the firm, it’s the young associates who don’t like how things are being run. It seems the young blood has boiled over and left, what was thought to be, a mess. I thought the scene at the top of the episode with Cary walking into the empty conference room, seeing boxes with Reese Dipple’s name on them and a line of iPhone’s on the table was beautifully shot. Seeing Cary’s frustration after calling two of the ones, just to find that they were on the table translated to the audience. Once again, Diane and Cary started to bicker. I was happy to see them quickly resolve their disagreement. The snarky attitudes from the associates were quite interesting to watch. I really loved when Cary invited the associates back to the office, after believing that they were being hired back with added benefits, just to be told that they were fired and were escorted out by the security guards. That powerful high five between Diane and Cary was perfection. I love seeing those two working as a team.

During this episode, I found myself buying into the relationship between Eli and Courtney a lot more. I liked that they got a lot of conversational exposition to move their feelings along.  I was quite sad when Courtney basically told Eli that her business is far more important to her than him at the current time and that she’s going away for a year. It just broke my heart to see Eli so shattered, once again. Eli needs a break almost as much as Diane with all the crap they’ve had thrown at them.

The end of the episode was the biggest punch in the gut. I hated to see Eli telling Alicia that he deleted the last voicemail from Will. That is something Alicia should’ve lived her life without knowing about. I have a feeling this might ruin any friendship she had with Eli forever, or at least for a long time.  

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