Thursday, December 10, 2015

Elf Movie Review

As it has been on several times in the past two weeks, I think the time has come for me to review Elf. This is one of the more recent Christmas movies, but it has gained a large following and has become the favorite holiday flick for many people. As you know, I am not one of these people, but I still thoroughly enjoy this movie and watch it every year.

I enjoy that Elf takes the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer route with the way Buddy is introduced. This allusion is continued through the costumes of the elves and the parody on Sam the Snowman. I’ve noticed a definite theme in the Christmas movie universe where plotlines are centered on main characters who are misfits and are typically bullied or discriminated against in some way. Even though it’s a repetitive theme, I think Buddy’s story is original enough to be enjoyable.

I think this movie succeeds as well as it does because of how quotable the dialogue is. I’m sure you’ve heard some call someone else, or you, a “cotton headed ninny muggins” before, have heard “Buddy the elf, what’s your favorite color?”, or have heard or been told that “you sit on a throne of lies.” All crazy iconic quotes and all from Elf. It’s also so fun to see Will Ferrell as an elf that has no idea how the real world works or how to behave in it.

I love the cameos and nods to other Christmas movies in this movie! My favorite is that Peter Billingsley, who played Ralphie in A Christmas Story, makes a cameo in this as Ming Ming the head elf. I was completely oblivious to this cameo until this year. When I found out, I was ecstatic. Ming Ming’s elf attire is red and I can only hope that is meant to represent the Red Ryder BB Gun. I’m not sure if this was meant to be a cameo or not, but when introducing Miles Finch, they mention Dr. Seuss. This could be a nod to How the Grinch Stole Christmas or could just be there to give an example of a real, successful children’s author.

The relationship between Buddy and Jovie starts as many often do, with one of the members in the pairing having no interest in the other. Once again, repetitive, but it works. It’s so cute that Buddy first meets Jovie when she too is dressed up like an elf. Their personalities balance each other so well. I like that it’s Buddy who is the energetic, optimistic, and loveable one, whereas Jovie is a lot more somber and mellow. I just absolutely love the scene where they sing an unconventional duet of Baby, It’s Cold Outside. Seeing Jovie in full elf garb and meeting Papa is a scene I love as well, and little Susie! I just love the ending.