Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Art of the Love Triangle

Love triangles are nothing new. Films, television, and theatre are all known for using them as a plot device. Personally, I love a good love triangle and tend to lean towards stories that contain one. They tend to lead to some juicy conflicts within the plot of their story. I’ve found that some people find them annoying or unneeded, but I think they provide some great material. I usually prefer the love triangles that are centered on two guys fighting over a girl.

One of the most current and popular of this type of love triangle is Katniss, Peeta, and Gale from the Hunger Games trilogy. I really love this love triangle and I feel that it is up there with the love triangles that cause the most controversy and divide between fans. Personally, I support Katniss and Peeta. I’ve supported this pairing ever since I read the first book. As for Gale, I never really liked his character to begin with. Since this triangle originated from a book trilogy, they have had time to change and grow.  This being said, my stance did not change. This particular love triangle is interesting because Katniss has shared many a kiss with both Peeta and Gale. This could cause confusion to ensue for those who do not know the outcome of the triangle. I’m extremely that this triangle went in the direction that I wanted it to.

Another love triangle takes a different approach. In Corpse Bride there is a triangle that is the opposite of what I’d mentioned previously. This love triangle consists of Victor, Emily, and Victoria. I have talked about this triangle in a previous post, but I’d like to go a little more in depth with my stance. Personally, I support Victor being with Emily. Sadly, this love triangle did not go in my favor. I think this triangle is wonderful even though it didn’t end up like I wanted. The fact that Emily sacrifices herself so that Victor can be with Victoria is both heartbreaking and beautiful. I love that Emily’s love for Victor is what eventually set her free. In a way, my hopes weren’t completely shattered because Emily lives on in Victor’s heart.

I saved my favorite love triangle for last. I’ve talked about this triangle in a previous post as well, but this is a triangle that I’ll never run out of things to say about it. It consists of Grinch, Martha May, and Augustus from How the Grinch Stole Christmas. This love triangle goes back to the first type of triangle I talked about. This triangle was always in favor of what I wanted. I think Grinch and Martha are such a beautiful paring. Though, this particular triangle is unique. It isn’t often that a point in the triangle completely causes the entire thing to collapse. In this case, Augustus was the cause of a divide between the resulting paring, twice. Augustus is such an awful character, you could say he gets a “loathe entirely” from me. This love triangle carries a tremendous weight of a sad backstory on its shoulders. Because of this, the outcome is that much more rewarding and satisfying. When Martha finally stands up for Augustus and tells everyone who she really loves, my heart just swells with joy. This love triangle has the largest impact on me out of all of them. 

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