Thursday, November 5, 2015

Remember, Remember, the 5th of November

Remember, remember, the 5th of November; the gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.

Ever heard of this quote? If you haven’t, you probably haven’t seen V for Vendetta. I think this movie is a masterpiece that deserves more attention. Personally, I haven’t read the DC comic book that was the inspiration for the movie. Despite this, I still love the world that was created through the cinematic universe.

I saw this movie on accident while at a friend’s house. I was in middle school at the time and was really excited because this friend owned the game, Spore. While I was downstairs playing the game, I heard my friend’s sister say that they were going to watch The Exorcist. I certainly wasn’t going to watch that, considering that I don’t do well with horror movies. They ended up not watching it, but watching V for Vendetta instead. I went upstairs because they said that the pizza had arrived. The movie had been on for a while, so I came in late. I was intrigued by what I was seeing, so I stayed. I stayed until the end of the movie and loved it. It would a few years later before I’d see the movie in its entirety.

I think this movie is very compelling. This movie has some very interesting characters. My favorite thing about the movie is the growing relationship between V and Evey. I love that he recuses her, tells her she has to stay with him for a year, she doesn’t want to confide, and then she ends up bonding with him and helping him. They are such a beautiful pair and I love how they learn from each other.

V is such a mysterious character. I love that he dresses in all black, has a cape, and wears his signature Guy Fawkes mask all the time. His backstory is so sad, but he is a survivor and does not let his burns stand in his way. I love the scene when V is cooking breakfast for Evey, with his gloves off, and she walks in and is startled by what she sees. It’s so humorous when he just puts his gloves back on like nothing happened. It’s also so cute to me that he cooks, and cooks very well.  Evey is a great character as well. I love that she is a rebel and sees the good in V’s otherwise heinous crimes, enough to assist him. Her dynamic works incredibly well with V. 

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