Monday, January 25, 2016

The Good Wife 7x12 "Tracks" Review


This episode addressed some things that I’ve never thought of before. It never occurred to me that Alicia could be penalized, even evicted, for running her law firm out of her apartment. It was sort of comical when all of the packages and clients were accidentally going to the wrong apartment because of the faulty placement of the elevator buttons. To be honest, I probably would’ve reacted in the same way as the poor tenant who continually got the wrong mail and random people showing up at her door. I don’t see the problem with Alicia working out of her apartment, although I really want her to go back and work with Diane and Cary, but I certainly don’t want to see her get evicted.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the return of Rowby Canton. The episode where we were introduced to Rowby is one of my favorite episodes from the entire show. He is such a quirky guy and I love seeing him intermingled in with the serious atmosphere of law. I was hoping his return would also bring a new song that I would enjoy, but the song kind of let me down. I don’t think any other song that will come out of this show will top Thicky Trick. That song was something you wouldn’t think came from a law drama. The accompanying music video, complete with the cast, is an absolute treasure.

I was a bit shocked when Rowby started flirting with Lucca. I was even more shocked when Lucca went along with it. This season has been a lot of relationships that have gotten little to no development. I’m not going to stop complaining about the lack of Kurt and Diane until they get another story arc. That is the one couple on this show that is absolutely deserving of screen time, but continually does not get any. I apologize for the amount of times I’ve complained about this lack of screen time, though I’m really not sorry. The show needs a good arc right now in the season because I’ve found a lot of the scenes thus far to be rather dull.

I’m curious to see if Rowby will return in future episodes or if his return was just to be a fun cameo for those of us who enjoyed him in the past. Either way, I enjoyed to see him again and he gave some much needed humor to the episode. 

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