Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Praise for Adele

Nowadays, it’s not often that hit music is free of vulgar language and sexual content. If it’s not those things, there are often music videos that promote promiscuous activities and fashion choices. For these reasons, I am a fan of Adele. She is the embodiment of raw talent. I feel that she a huge role model for girls everywhere. She never wears revealing clothing, her music videos are usually very minimalistic, her songs have meaningful lyrics that are from the heart, and her vocal range is so vast and beautiful.

I casually enjoyed her music back in the Set Fire to the Rain and Rolling in the Deep days, but I never considered myself a fan. I didn’t appreciate her wonderful voice and what she is all about back then like I do now. When Hello first started playing frequently on radio stations, I didn’t really think anything of it. It didn’t really care that Adele was back or that she was making new music. That was until I actually listened to the song and realized how beautiful the lyrics and her voice were. This got me interested in listening to the rest of her new album.

I have since listened to 25 and have fell in love with Adele’s talent once again. Her songs are just so beautiful, even though they often are written because of sad situations in her life. The three songs that stood out to me the most were of course Hello, Water Under the Bridge, and All I Ask. I wish that Hello wasn’t the song to be released as a single because I feel that other songs on the album are much more deserving of the insane amount of views that Hello received.

All I Ask, in my opinion, is the best song on the album. The first time I listened to it, I almost cried. The lyrics and the orchestration brought to life by her magnificent voice and vocal range just filled me with emotions. It’s a sad song, it really is, but the beauty of it shows through more than the pain. I hope that it will be released as a single sometime and get the proper recognition it deserves. I’ve been listening to the live version of it quite a bit. That is something else I admire about Adele, her live renditions are almost identical to her studio recordings. Raw talent right there. 

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